Friday, June 5, 2015

Issues between a state govt. and the centre govt.

The issue of centre and State had always been there but the present issue between Govt. of Delhi and the centre is somewhat different.  Delhi, on one hand is a state but not a full fledged,  on the other it is capital of the country and thus in a number of matters it does not have power.  And that is the problem.  Whosoever comes after contesting an election gives some commitments to the public.  May be some of the commitments would have been given just to win the votes but not all.  Some issues would definitely be there which the elected government would like to resolve.  It may have serious intentions to go by its commitments but the power game or fight between the two may not allow them to fulfill the commitments.  Certainly there are constitutional provisions, which need to be followed. But the tussle between the two takes the top place and the commitments to the people and thus the expectations of the people stand nowhere.

What does then happen?  People, guided by media or the other agents causing the opinion formation, get confused as to whom to trust and whom not to as both of them blame each other.  While on the one hand people agree on certain points of the tussle but on the other they regret why did they brought the certain party to power.  Or whom should they elect and bring to power.  They have nothing to do with who does the power have, they just want that the problems they have must be solved, the commitments made to them may be fulfilled.

If a party in the state wants to do something that is good for people, the others pull them back with the support of the power block, and the result is that commitment made to people remain 
commitments only and never translated into reality.   In its effort to get the credit or if I say in other words, in its effort not to allow the other party to have the credit, none of the party thinks of public.  Each in the power wants the power and the credit only.  Nothing else.

It has actually become tug of war. Lets see who wins.

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